
When I arrived at Saint Edward’s, I made it a point to meet as many people as possible (even though we were smack dab in the middle of COVID). I made it a point to ask about traditions.

One in particular that I was told about was ABC Day. My mind quickly went to alphabet soup; however, I was informed that ABC stood for “Anything but Cars.”

Today was ABC Day for the Class of 2024. It is the rite of passage for seniors to show up on their last day on tractors, golf carts, horses and whatever else they can rely on that is anything but a car!

Seniors decorate their rides and then proceed to load their ever-evolving water toys to douse onlookers (usually middle and upper school students) on their way around the circle.

Why do we like traditions? I think traditions offer us stability and comfort in a world that is always changing. In times of uncertainty, our traditions provide a familiar framework, offering comfort and reassurance. For seniors, the traditions act as a compass guiding them through school transitions, marking milestones and providing a sense of order and predictability.

I look forward to celebrating the Class of 2024 when we host graduation on May 25. The Class of 2025 is on deck, and in 365 days, we celebrate another ABC Day. I love this time of year!

I look forward to seeing you around campus!
