Chapel Review

Father Barrett
This semester the upper and middle school chapels combined into one. Father Barrett invited an array of speakers to deliver sermons to the sixth - twelfth graders. The theme was on how the students could practice spiritual disciples in their daily lives. In lower school chapel, the students covered a wide range of stories in the Old Testament, focusing on figures like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and Isaiah. We worked our way all the way up to the Advent stories and the birth of Jesus. The hope was to develop in the students a level of biblical literacy as well as to know God’s presence in their lives. Lower school choir teacher Marcy Sharman played a key role in preparing the students to sing hymns and also to provide acolytes and readers.

Father Barrett gives great thanks to all who have made chapel an integral part of the Saint Edward’s whole-child education in the Episcopal tradition. Special thanks go to the chapel upper school prefects as readers and acolytes, Addison Logemann, Noah Hernandez and the Praise Band, Dr. Dominique Clance, Jeremy and Maggie Baker, Pete Hengen, Marcy Sharman, Melissa Buza and Shelby Fontana.

Please click on the headline for a list of chapel speakers.
In order,
9/13 - Libby Sanderson (Youth for Christ): Embracing Discipline
9/22 - Tori Barnett (religion teacher, parent, and alumna): the Spiritual Discipline of Worship
10/3 - Bishop Justin Holcombe (newly consecrated Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida): God’s Love in the Gospel of John 3:16-17
10/17 - Rabbi Michael Birnholz (Rabbi at Temple Beth Shalom): the Discipline of Reading Scripture. He also was able to speak on the events of October 7 in Israel.
10/26 - Kitt George (English teacher, parent): The Discipline of Looking for Meaning in Our Lives: A Dog’s Purpose
11/7 - LCDR Joey McAuliffe (Navy pilot, parent, husband to Carly McAuliffe, alumnus): The Discipline of Serving. Veterans Day chapel
11/16 - Nate Gallagher (youth minister at Calvary Chapel): The Discipline of Rest.
12/4 - Fr. John Barrett: The Discipline of Being Still and Finding Solitude with God.
12/13 - Christmas Carols with the Praise Band, student choirs and a special piano duet by Augie Barreirinhas and Kieran Colgan

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Colossians 3:16