Seniors Admitted to Rho Kappa Honor Society

Seniors, their parents, Mrs. Sternberg, Mrs. Wald, Dr. Hirstein and the Humanities Department staff gathered together in the board room yesterday to induct seven bright students into the Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society. The society is the only national organization for high school juniors and seniors that recognizes excellence in the field of social studies. Led by Mrs. Infanzon, Abigail Sylvia, MK Watson, Grace Haller, Jacqueline Sylvia, Elliotte Kahler,  Carrington Brown and Harrison Hardin accepted a Society pin and purple cord that will be worn at Commencement. All of the students met the rigorous standards of the society, which include exemplary test scores, good grades and an essay in their chosen subject matter in humanities. Click here for an album of highlights.