
Welcome from Head of School

Spring 2024

To the Class of 2024:
At Commencement, we celebrate the accomplishments of these young men and women and what they have achieved over their time at Saint Edward’s School. It is also an opportunity for the class of 2024 and our school community to honor the love and dedication of their parents, teachers, school administrators, the board of trustees, and all of those who believe that what we do in this institution is one of the most important things that we can possibly do, provide a rigorous and relevant education that prepares these young adults to lead in a world that is filled with promise as well as many challenges. I firmly believe we have individuals in the class who will find cures for diseases, cure hunger, and solve climate issues. Our Vision Statement at Saint Edward’s reads We Shape the Future, I can think of no better statement for what we do, day in and day out.

Saint Edward’s has always embraced and cherished the values that encourage a commitment to excellence. This school stretches you and challenges you to seek your passions. We congratulate you for making this commitment and for following through with such outstanding success.
Over the past 50 years, Saint Edward’s graduates have matriculated to the finest colleges and universities throughout the country and abroad and those graduates have made significant contributions to the world in every field from medicine to law, investment to entreprenurialship, education, service, and the arts. 

Those early graduates, who have now entered their golden years, can be proud of the foundation that was laid through their pioneering spirit and their courage to participate in something new and different. This group of pioneers, some of whom have come home, have been exceptional citizens around the world and have made a difference in their communities. When someone asks me what best describes a Saint Edward’s graduate, I respond by saying Saint Edward’s School produces leaders who are bright, hard-working, and above all, have strong moral compasses. This is exactly what our world needs right now, and I am proud of this soon-to-be, newest group of graduates. Class of 2024, you were wonderful ambassadors to this school community and we can’t thank you enough. 
The class of 2024 has accomplished much, but what makes them most special is not simply what they accomplished, but who they are as people. They have been successful and unique in many ways. But what stands out most for me is their deep sense of kindness, balanced with an ability to maintain their individuality. They have demonstrated their commitment to the Golden Rule through their deep love and care for each other which has raised the group higher than any one individual.

We are proud of you for what you have accomplished, but we are most proud of who you are as people. You have left Saint Edward’s better than you found it, and for that, we are all grateful.


Stuart Hirstein, Ed.D.
Head of School