
Middle School

Wendy Porter, parent to Christoper '24 and Cooper '28

"Moving from New York City where the private school experience was extremely competitive, we have been thrilled with the middle school experience at Saint Edward's School. The top-notch faculty coupled with the academic programs and the personal and developmental support available to all students has been remarkable."

Welcome to the Middle School Experience at SES

There are many Florida middle schools to choose from but few focus so intently on the unique needs of the students in this age group. 

Saint Edward's Middle School offers a developmentally age-appropriate program of traditional course study. Each member of the Middle School faculty is not only an expert in his or her academic field, but is also aware of the unique intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs of the early adolescent. This diversity allows us to deliver a challenging curriculum in a manner that promotes maximum acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for academic success at our Upper School. 

Have a student entering sixth grade? Check out our Spotlight on Sixth video series to learn more about how Saint Edward's School prepares middle school students for the future!

    • What Makes Our Middle School Special?

      Students Share the Middle School Experience

Sixth Grade

Sixth grade is the best! I love that we have an awesome advisory group, that we get to change classes and have a different mix of students in every class. The teachers make learning fun, and I see all my friends throughout the day. We work on projects together and learn new technology to organize and present our knowledge. A highlight of this year is field biology where we go out on campus and collect data on plants and animals and then return to analyze that data throughout the year. In addition to all of the regular classes like math, science, history and English, I also get to take world language, physical education, band, chorus, art and theater. I can even try out for the plays and musicals. Having a study hall every day is really helpful so that I don’t have so much work to do after practice. I’m learning how to study more efficiently and how to organize my time and materials better. If I need help my teachers are always available to answer questions. I look forward to participating in competitive after-school sports and theater throughout the year. Sixth grade is the best!

Seventh Grade

Seventh grade is the best! I don’t have to worry about figuring out the schedule, where classrooms are or how to open my locker. I know most of my teachers already so I understand what they expect from me. But they also challenge me to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I am learning different ways to study and express my knowledge. We communicate regularly with students in other states and in other countries to share ideas. In tests, I am asked to write more about how my knowledge can be applied to new situations. I’m beginning to understand how math is related to science and that global topics and research apply to all academic areas. I get to choose the arts courses that I like the best. PE and Health class provide opportunities to be physically active during the day. My advisor leads by example and helps us learn how to be a good friend and a contributing member of the Saint Edward’s community and beyond. This year is about me understanding my strengths and working on my weaknesses so that I can really excel in eighth grade. That is why seventh grade is the best.

Eighth Grade

Eighth grade is the best! I feel like I am a much more independent learner because of all of the preparation I received during the first two years of Middle School. I appreciate that the teachers expect me to challenge myself my personal best on every assignment, project or assessment, but I also know that they are there for me whenever I have questions. I am my own best advocate. I’ve noticed that the books we read in English deal with much more complex issues, similar to the topics we tackle during Advisory group discussions. In science we use our math skills to investigate chemistry and physics topics. Every day in World Language my confidence grows in understanding and communicating in the target language because the classes are taught exclusively in that language. Athletics become more competitive but the no-cut policy means that I can still be on the team with my friends. My teachers work hard to make sure I am challenged appropriately. In eighth grade I can also take part in a few Upper School clubs. The ME Project in the Spring allows me to reflect and appreciate how much I have grown physically, academically, socially and spiritually over the past three years in Middle School. Also in the Spring we begin working with our Upper School Academic Counselor to choose the best courses to help me achieve my future goals during the next four years. I am ready to fly! Eighth grade is definitely the best year of Middle School.