A Hot Tip from Coach Zu on Running

GZ (lk)
Seems like everyone is a runner now? This is one of the positive aspects of our new stay-at-home existence. In addition to following social distancing guidelines, it's okay to run outside, so long as you're keeping your distance! This is easy for me, as when I run with my wife she is usually well ahead of me anyway! 
For those of you running: Click the headline for some handy running tips from coach Zu!

For those of you running:

1) Ease into your mileage; a walk-run is always a good idea for those just starting back into running. The general rule is to not increase mileage by more than 10% per week. 
2) Avoid going too fast, too soon. Slow down; there are no 5Ks in the near future.
3) Try to avoid touching your face while running, keep six feet apart from others and make sure there is enough space when confronting others on the road.
4) Consider competing in virtual challenges with your family and friends to keep you motivated. 

5) Once you fall in love with it like the Zugraves, join the Saint Edward's "unofficial" racing team in the fall. We have a great time together, cheering each other on and taking as many team records as we can.
Some good articles for inspiration
