Learning Abroad in History Class

Rikki Bischoff (lk)
From Mrs. Bischoff: Seventh grade students participate in mystery Skype and lecture series using technology to explore the world outside of the classroom. We have been busy Skyping around the world in history class! This week our seventh grade classes participated in a mystery Skype with a school in Florence, Italy. Mystery Skype is a game where we connect with a school in another part of the world and try to determine their location by asking a series of yes and no questions. We sent letters beforehand, so we answered questions, shared stories and learned about each other after we found out the location of the school. The following day we joined the GEOshow in a lecture series titled Meet a Local: An Iraqi Refugee. We were lucky enough to be chosen for a live camera spot and particapted in a Q&A forum with different schools in the U.S. and Canada. We met Ali Al Mshakheel and learned about his life in Baghdad and the process of him coming to the United States. Being able to integrate this type of technology has opened the door for exploring the world outside our classroom in a fun and interactive way! Please click on the headline for more photos. #HowSESLearns
