Pirate Dad & Coach Addresses MS/US Chapel

MJ (lk)
Antoine Jennings (also known as Avonti and alumni A.J.'s dad) visited campus this week as a guest speaker during Chapel. He is the co-founder of Crossover Mission, a non-profit organization that uses basketball as a motivator to support young people academically, socially and emotionally. He held both MS and US students in thrall as he described how his once-stable and loving childhood devolved into chaos in what seemed like a blink. He urged students to act with kindness before judgment, and said "always, always assume that there is something more to the picture when you see someone acting out." He continued to describe how a friendship between his son AJ and senior Louis De Schouwer prompted a meeting with Crossover Mission co-founder Cathy De Schouwer, and how their cherished friendship and partnership has evolved from "two different worlds, religions and upbringing." Thank you, Mr. Jennings, for taking the time to share your story with the middle and upper school students - we can't wait to have you back!