
As you may know, Saint Edward’s will have 12 visitors on campus April 10-12. This group will come from independent schools throughout Florida and has been assigned to conduct our reaccreditation visit for the Florida Council of Independent Schools.

Why is being accredited important to Saint Edward’s?
  1. Quality Assurance: Accreditation ensures that schools meet certain standards of quality and excellence in education. This includes factors such as curriculum, faculty qualifications, student services, facilities and more. By being accredited, schools signal to students, parents and the public that they are committed to providing a high-quality education.
  2. Credibility and Reputation: Accreditation enhances the credibility and reputation of a school. It serves as a mark of approval from recognized accrediting bodies, which can positively influence perceptions of the institution among prospective students, families, employees and other stakeholders.
  3. Student Mobility: Accreditation facilitates the transfer of credits between institutions. Students who attend accredited schools can generally transfer their credits more easily to other accredited institutions, ensuring that their academic progress is recognized and respected.
  4. Access to Funding: Accredited schools may have access to various forms of grants, and other funding opportunities that are reserved for accredited institutions. This can help schools maintain and improve their educational offerings, facilities and resources.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Accreditation often involves adherence to certain regulatory standards set by governmental or non-governmental agencies. Meeting these standards helps ensure that schools operate in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, promoting transparency, accountability and ethical conduct.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Accreditation processes typically involve an internal self-study and external evaluation, which can help schools identify areas for improvement and implement measures to enhance the quality of education they provide.
Overall, accreditation serves as a mechanism for promoting and maintaining educational quality, integrity and accountability within the independent school community.

Last Thursday and Friday, I was in Coral Gables conducting a compliance visit for an independent school. I will return to the same school on April 21-23 to lead an accrediting team on a full visit for their reaccreditation. I always learn a great deal from the visits to other schools, and it gives me great pride in what we have accomplished at Saint Edward’s.

I look forward to seeing you around campus.