Varsity Boys Weightlifting Takes Part in Regional Tourney

The varsity boys weightlifting team returned to Frostproof Middle-Senior High School in Frostproof on 4/4/24 to compete in the Class 1A Region 4 Tournament. Individual results from each weight class are listed below:

Campbell Brown:  Olympic - --/105/--; Traditional - 105/120/225, 10th place

Alexander Wolek:  Olympic^ - 90*/125*/215*; Traditional - 125*/130/255

Kaan Mimaroglu: Olympic^ - 75*/100/174*; Traditional - 100*/80/180
West Sincavage
:  Olympic - 65/95*/160*; Traditional - 95*/100/195

Personal record set by athlete.
Denotes athlete went 6 for 6 in this category.